Pleaseeasaur Int'l Airport (V8 Records AUS) 2003
$15 UPC: 9324690009039 Order Now!
1. Welcome To The Pleaseeasaur Int'l Airport
2. Theme
3. You've Got The Tough
4. Roy The Master
5. The Dream Barge
6. I Hate Dog Shit
7. Strangers Have The Best Candy
8. Pleaseeasaur Int'l Airport Terminal One
9. Pizza Brothers & Sons Incorporated
10. Let's Lay Down
11. Pleaseeasaur Int'l Airport Terminal Two
12. Warning These Cobras Are Totally Cool
13. Crystal Math
14. Robots Bite Down Gently
15. You Are Correct
16. Beef Flavored Island
17. The Meat Reef
18. Bowl Noodle Hot
19. Pleaseeasaur Int'l Airport Terminal Three
20. Japanese Karaoke Choir