Neil Hamburger/Pleaseeasaur Rock The Casbah
About Pleaseeasaur
Seattle's strangely funny Pleaseeasaur (like the dino, plesiosaur) most recently released "The Yellow Pages" on the imputor? record label. In the voice of a schmaltzy Las Vegas comedian, Pleaseeasaur sings karaoke-style about bizarre little nuggets of life over synthed-out background music. He has many props in his act, and often dons a polar bear costume when he performs.
About Neil Hamburger
Neil Hamburger is a bit of a comedic Everyman. He hasn't exactly mastered the impeccable timing and razor-sharp wit of his better-known contemporaries, and he's definitely not the funniest guy around. In fact, he's just as likely to elicit a groan as he is a hearty chuckle. But tell that to his fansówho are more than a handfulóand they'll stand up for their Funnyman.
Perhaps it's Hamburger's indie ethos that wins audiences over. He logs some 350 gigs a yearónot at fancy clubs with green rooms, we're talking dingy rock clubs and cafesóand he puts out his comedy albums on independent record labels. Or maybe it's his willingness to take the stage armed not with a carefully rehearsed routine, but an arsenal of intentionally bad jokes (some of which are actually hilarious), random observations and slapstick physical humor.
Don't show up expecting wry, lucid commentary on current affairs. Hamburger's more like the boys who used to sit in the back of the classroom, cracking jokes about dirty diapers, spewing obscenities and making fart sounds with their armpits. Some fans say he's so bad he's brilliant. Others classify him as ironic and postmodern. A few even call him the new Lenny Bruce. We think you either get it or you don't. And if you do, get ready to giggle.